🚀 OpenAI Probed, Google’s AI Stir & AI Mastery! 🎓

Hello Legal Insider!

Welcome to another edition of our rollicking rollercoaster ride through the tumultuous terrain where artificial intelligence (AI) and law lock horns. From the courtroom drama to the awe-inspiring breakthroughs, we’re here to keep you updated, entertained, and possibly even bamboozled! So, grab your gavels and prepare for some electrifying edification!

In today’s email:

OpenAI – FTC’s New BFF: OpenAI’s got a new friend in the form of an FTC probe! Will this be the spark that changes US AI laws forever? Stay tuned!

Genesis or Geni-sis? Google’s AI journalist, Genesis, is stirring the pot of legal and ethical debates. Is it a boon for journalism or a bane that undermines human effort? Get ready for the showdown!

AI Skills for the People: Time to buff up your resume! AI skills are not just for tech nerds anymore; they’re the new gold mine for job opportunities in various fields, even in law. Get the scoop here!

So, folks, are you ready for the rodeo? Yee-haw!

OpenAI Under FTC’s Scrutiny: Legal Fallout Explained

🔑 Key Points:

OpenAI on the FTC’s Radar

Hold onto your briefcases, because OpenAI, creators of the conversation-sparking ChatGPT, are now in the hot seat with the FTC! “Why?” you ask. Well, it’s all about data leaks and accuracy mishaps – big no-nos in our world!

A Game-Changing Investigation

This isn’t just any old investigation, friends. The FTC’s probe could potentially shake the very foundations of future AI laws right here in the good ol’ US of A! This is a chance to have your say on the legal future of AI, so don’t be a wallflower!

Rising Concerns in the AI Scene

If you’ve been following the AI scene, you’d know privacy and reputational concerns are soaring higher than Elon’s rockets. The OpenAI case is fueling this controversy, making our legal peers sweat over their case books and stirring up a whole hornet’s nest of debates.

The Potential for AI Regulation Reform

And there’s more! The OpenAI case might just be the spark that lights the fire under AI regulation reform here in the US. Heck, even Europe’s been ahead of the curve on this one!

Join Us in the Courtroom of Controversy!

Ready to get in on the action? The court is in session and the gavel is about to drop! Click that link below and join us in the courtroom of controversy! Your voice matters – let’s shape the future of AI together!


FTX’s Bankman-Fried denies witness tampering, accepts gag order – Lawyers for FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried rejected prosecutors’ claims that his discussions with a New York Times reporter amounted to witness tampering but agreed to accept a gag order, they said in a letter to the judge in the criminal fraud case.

Genesis: Google’s AI Journalist Stirs Legal Controversy!

🔑 Key Points:

Google’s New Tech Marvel: Genesis

Google has gifted us another shiny tech marvel, and it’s creating ripples across the globe! Meet Genesis, Google’s AI brainchild that can whip up news articles like a Pulitzer-winning journalist. But not everyone’s throwing a party.

Genesis: A Blessing or a Curse?

Genesis, in all its AI glory, has ignited a legal powder keg, sending shockwaves from Silicon Valley to Fleet Street. Some of our comrades in the legal and journalism arenas are asking, “Is Genesis an invaluable sidekick to the overworked journalist, or a stealthy underminer of human effort?”

Scrutinizing Google’s Claims

The Big G (that’s Google to you and me), claims Genesis is just here to help, not replace our hardworking scribes. But those of us who relish a hearty debate are scrutinizing this claim like it’s a hotly contested legal brief!

Governments Step into the Fray

The arrival of Genesis isn’t just triggering a mass reconsideration of AI’s ethical boundaries. Oh no, it’s also got governments up in arms, demanding fair pay for our beloved newsrooms. Now that’s a twist we didn’t see coming!

Dive into the Debate with Us!

Ready to delve into the nitty-gritty? To explore the eye of this storm? To join in on the legal and tech extravaganza? Tap that link below and let’s make a splash in this boiling pot of a debate! Your voice matters, so let’s turn up the heat and get this party started!

Upskill Now: 3 Non-Tech Pathways to Mastering AI Skills

🔑 Key Points:

AI Skills: Not Just for Techies Anymore

We’re taking a scenic route down the AI highway today, and guess what? It’s not just for the tech-savvy anymore! AI skills are branching out like a mighty oak, and they’re dropping ripe opportunities in various fields, including our very own legal arena!

Getting Friendly with AI Tools

Want to add some AI spice to your CV? Start by getting friendly with popular AI tools! Understand how AI can work wonders in your profession, and begin sprinkling a bit of that AI magic into your everyday tasks.

The Gold Mine of AI Skills

Good news keeps rolling in because AI skills are not just in demand, they’re turning into a veritable gold mine! How does becoming a tax manager with an average salary of $100,445 per year sound? Tempting? We thought so!

The AI Wave: A Seismic Shift in Non-Technical Fields

The AI wave isn’t just touching our shores, it’s triggering a seismic shift in non-technical fields. This revolution has everyone buzzing about the role of AI in the future of work.

Conquer the AI World Together! 👇

Are you ready to ride this wave? 🏄‍♂️🏄‍♀️ Click the link below to dive right into the action! Your journey to mastering AI starts here. Let’s conquer the AI world together!


FTX Sues Bankman-Fried and Ex-Executives in Bid to Recoup Alleged Fraudulent Transfers – The adversary proceeding in Delaware bankruptcy court accused the founder and others of “abus[ing] their control over the FTX Group to commit one of the largest financial frauds in history.”

LG Electronics Hit With $1.6M Verdict After Jury Deliberates for 2 Hours – The verdict was based on the plaintiff’s request for $6.75 per unit for each LG Electronics product the company had sold to date that included the infringed technology, lead plaintiff counsel Jason Cassady said.

‘Dismissal Is Too Harsh a Punishment’: Magistrate Judge Issues Spoliation Sanction Against Ex-Lenovo Employee Who Wiped Hard Drive – “In the instant case, in the absence of evidence that Lenovo will not be able to recover substantially all, if not all, of the deleted materials from its own servers or the SD cards, dismissal is too harsh a punishment,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein of the District of Massachusetts wrote.

Security and Overreliance: Attorney Addresses Generative AI Concerns for Legal Industry – “Be forward-leaning, but be smart,” said Danielle Benecke, the founder and global head of Baker McKenzie’s machine learning practice, on adopting generative AI technology.

Reorganizing the Legal Department to Include a Data Division – In today’s digital and virtual business environment, where new technologies like SaaS, digital currencies, and AI are rapidly changing the compliance, security, and privacy landscape, only the most agile legal departments will survive.

Paying attention to information governance – Firms need to pay attention to IG because otherwise they run bigger risks than they need to. Also, they won’t be leveraging the advantages of well-organized information. The risks include what happens when you fail to protect client confidentiality and maintain regulatory compliance.

FTC Seeks Comments on Facial Recognition Technology to Protect Preteens’ Online Privacy – Companies tell the agency the facial recognition technology is 99.97% accurate.

EU-US Data Privacy Framework Brings European Data Privacy Principles to US Companies – Despite the U.S.’s growing data privacy posture, the new framework still brings new, European-esque principles that could create “huge operational challenges” for some organizations.

On This Day

🇵🇷 In 1952: Puerto Rico attained its own government as a commonwealth of the United States.

🇨🇦 In 1814: British troops commanded by General Phineas Riall thwarted an invasion of Canada by a U.S. force under General Jacob Brown in the Battle of Lundy’s Lane during the War of 1812.

🇮🇳 In 2007: Indian lawyer and politician Pratibha Patil was sworn in as president of India, becoming the first woman to hold the office.

🎸 In 1965, At the Newport (Rhode Island) Folk Festival, American singer and songwriter Bob Dylan initially eschewed his acoustic guitar to go electric; the controversial performance is considered one of the most pivotal moments in the history of rock and roll.

🇺🇸 In 1868: the U.S. Congress formed the Wyoming Territory.

Legal Meme